Disinfection has to be a multifaceted program

  • Piecemeal solutions are ineffective and a robust system of Sustained Systemic Disinfection Program (SS-DiP) is essential

  • The process starts with identifying the Pathways of Contamination-Touchpoints (POC-T) in a facility

  • The POC-T of one facility may be completely different from that of another; hence Facility Specific POC-Tdis-infection is recommended

  • Dhai Step maps-out the POC-T of the client facility and suggest the best Disinfection Program

SS-DiP: Identifying Pathways of Contamination –Touchpoints. What is your POC-T?

  • SS-DiP starts with identifying various pathways that any infection may possibly take to contaminate a facility

  • Once the client specific POC-T map is prepared, it is shared with the client and modifications made based on client inputs

  • Various disinfection methods are suggested to the client based on agreed POC-T mapping